Simple tips to avoid headache or migraine

Almost everyone gets headaches. You might feel throbbing in the front of your head when having a cold or flu. Or you might feel pain in your temples or at the back of your head from a tension headache after a busy day. Most regular headaches produce a dull pain around the front, top and sides of your head, almost like having a stretched rubber band around it. But a migraine headache is different.

What is migraine?
is a headache disorder, with intense pulsing or throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head (either left or right only) accompanied by nausea or vomiting and sensitiveness to light and sound. Some may experience an aura minutes before the onset of pain. The aura may consist of seeing fl ashing lights, having numbness or tingling in the face, having a disturbed sense of smell, or having difficulty in speaking.
If you are having migraine headache, you are not alone. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), migraine occurs more often in women than men, with the prevalence of 25% of females and 8% of males.

The exact cause of migraine is unknown. Current research suggests that infl ammation in the blood vessels of the brain causes them to swell and press onto nearby nerves, hence causing pain. This inflammation may arise due to stimulation from the trigeminal nerve (the main sensory nerve of the face)

What are migraine triggers?
• Stress and anxiety.
• Caffeine and alcohol.
• Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
• Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle (Some women experience migraine headaches around the time of their menstrual period, which is more likely due to the declining levels of estrogen at the onset of menses.)
• Foods that contain nitrates (luncheon meat, hot dogs), tyramine (aged cheeses, smoked fi sh, red wine), MSG or aspartame.
• Environmental factors such as bright light, loud noises or strong odors.

Simple Tips
• Rest and relax in a dark and quiet room when you feel migraine headache coming on.
• Get enough sleep but do not oversleep.

Recommended Products That May Be Helpful :
Aloe Berry Nectar
• Cranberry extract is helpful in balancing hormonal changes.
• Aloe Vera contains anthraquinone complex, which has antiinflammatory properties that may help to reduce pain during migraine headaches.

Forever Arctic Sea
• Rich in Omega 3 (from coldwater fishes) and Omega 9 (from olive oil) that have anti-inflammatory properties that can help in reducing pain.

Forever Royal Jelly
• Rich in vitamin B complex, acetycholine and inositol which can help to regulate the nervous system, reducing nervousness and stress.
• Contains phytohormones that are helpful in regulating and balancing hormonal changes.
Recommended products are: Forever Berry Nectar, Artic Sea Omega 3, Forever Royal Jelly
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