Gin-Chia: How it came to be

Several years ago I was reading a book by George Wharton James on old Spanish Missions - written in the 1800's. Mr. James was permitted to go into the old Missions of California and study the hand documents kept there. I was impressed with his recount of how valuable the Chia seed was to the priests as they made their long journeys - how a tablespoon full would sustain them for a day. The priests at that time had been willing to pay as much as $7 a pound for the seed. At that time a burro could be bought for $1.50 or a horse for $4.50! I wondered why something so valuable and nutritional was not being used in our daily diet.
I began a modern search on Chia and discovered that a gentleman by the name of Harrison Doyle had written a book some twenty-five years ago called "Golden Chia." I secured a copy of the book and, as I read, I realized again the value of this small seed. I also realized that Mr. Doyle was in his seventies when the book was written. I investigated and found to my surprise that he was alive and well, living is Vista, California, still driving his car with a valid lice3nse good until 1992, and had been Mayor of Vista in his eighties! As I spoke with Mr. Doyle, I found that this knowledgeable gentleman was still very much involved with his study of nutrition and had written another book entitled "Harrison Doyle at Ninety-Seven: How I sustain My Vital Electrical Life Force," and was revising this book to "Harrison Doyle at 100."
He had incorporated Golden Chia and the use of beehive products into his nutritional program and contributed his vigor and longevity to their use.

As I continued my search I found that Chia had been used by the ancient Aztec and Tarahumara Indians on their long journeys, some over 200 miles using Chia alone. Today, according to recent research, the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico have an enviable blood cholesterol level of 120mg/dl that they contribute to their use of Chia. At one time it was a primary food for all tribes of Mexico. I feel that the health secret of the early native American Indians was the Golden Chia that was used daily in their diet.

Chia is an oily seed of the mint family and contains about 33% oil and is high in protein. Chia is the richest source of omega-3 in the plant family and we all know of the benefits of omega-3 to the body. One of our nation's outstanding universities is now studying the medicinal and nutritional benefits to the body of Chia. In their early studies they have found that the nutritional values are highly beneficial.

I have long realized the benefits to the body when using Ginseng, and I thought of it as I contemplated a product to give energy and an aid to longevity. Ginseng has been an elixir of life to oriental people for centuries. Although the medical community has always shunned the claims and benefits of Ginseng, a recent study by the University of Pennsylvania's scientists reported that they had been studying Ginseng and had identified a substance in it that could be responsible for the qualities that gie healing and longevity to Ginseng users. This substance has been given the name of gensinosides.

Following that, an article by Dr. Jellef Carr, of the University of Maryland, reported that because of this research, scientists had recently begun using Ginseng to help retard of reverse the type of deteriorantion experienced in aging. "It is interesting from a medical viewpoint. There are chemical ingredients in the plant that are responsible for the physiological effect enhancing intellectual acuteness and physical prowess," Dr. Carr said. Carr said he uses Ginseng and that it must be taken for about a month before any benefits are felt.

Most of the research on th medicinal properties of Ginseng have been done in Europe. A West German study group has conducted a study of the effects of using Ginseng on the lederly. After the extracts was administered oreally for 90 days, the group reported a decrease in rigidity (joint stiffness), increase in alertness and powers of concentration, improved visual-motor coordination, improved grasp of abstract concepts and similar behavioral changes. Also a Soviet group studied a group of young athletes and found that they showed increased performance and greater ease in performing work after nine weeks of Ginseng extract. Males, ages 40 to 60 showed an improvement in breathing after 12 weeks of treatment.

I found that there were many additional articles written on the nutritional benefits to the body with the use of Ginseng or Chia.

Therefore, I felt that the combining of these two giant herbal products into one tablet would result in many benefits to its users - a product highly beneficial to the body in many ways. An interesting aspect of this product is its ability to curb the appetite as Chia will expand many times in the stomach to give a feeling of fullness while also giving you stamina and strength.

How much wiser it is to use natural plant products to achieve a healthy body!

Charles Robson
The Forever Lifestyle Magazin 1989
Gin Chia
$14.25 (with discount $12.11)