Acidic Blood is main cause for Diseases

1. Acidic salt deposits at joints or organs cause inflammation, hardening of arteries, kidney stones, arthritics, gout, etc.
2. Accumulated acidic debris blocks capillaries which affects blood circulation and in turn leads to diabetes, naphritis and cancer.
3. If digestive tract is too acidic, constipation, chronicle diarrhea and uric acid will accur, too much acid in stomach will cause pyrosis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, ulcer, etc. Besides, acidic blood will also affect children's intelligence.

Fields of green
Fields of Green provide the minerals, proteins, amino acids, enzymes, anti-owidants and chlorophyll you need. Besides, this product contains barley grass, wheat grass and alfafa which are all alkaline ingredients to balance blood's pH level.

Barley Grass
Barley grass contains many alkaline food that is rich in minerals, it can neutralize acidic food such as fish, meat, egg and sugar. It can also increase uric acid secretion as well as make blood and urine more alkaline to lower chance of gout. Barley grass also contains abundant protease (over 20 spices) which facilitate protein absorption in digestive tract. People in Greece and Egypt consider barley grass as a gift from God.

Wheat Grass
Wheat grass contains may alkaline minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium as well as chlorophyll. It enhances liver and circulation health as well as facilitates digestive system to expel heavy metals and toxins to balance pH level of the body. Besides, wheat grass contains abundant protein and essential amino acids which strengthen immune system. As wheat grass is beneficial to health, can get rid of micro-organisms and bacteria, it is also known as "green blood".

Alfalfa's root penetrates deep down 20 feet below ground. As a result, it absorbs more minerals and nutrients than other plants. Ancient Arabians named it as "father of food". Alfalfa contains abundant minerals such as calcium, potassium and iron. It is also rich in vitamins such as A, B1, C, D,E, K and 18 amino acids. Its alkalinity is 4 times that of spinach.
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