Aloe Vera Diabetes Checker

Diabetes is an Autoimmune Deficiency and Aloe Vera is known to strengthen our immune system naturally.

Through traditional uses and many case studies on this has shown Aloe Vera actually possess anti-diabetic properties that helps the body.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas doesn't make enough or any of the hormone insulin, or when the insulin produced doesn't work effectively. So, this causes the level of glucose in the blood to be too high.

According to the National Health Interview Survey, (1) conducted by the Center for Health Statistics at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in 2005, nearly 20.8 million adults and children in the United States, that's about 7% of the population, suffered from this condition.
Of this group, only about 15.6 million have been officially diagnosed with it; another 6.2 million people remain unaware that they have the disease. It is currently the 5th leading cause of death in the United States, but health policy experts believe that mortality attributed to diabetes is vastly under-reported.
There are 2 main Types of this condition.
Type 1 is caused by the complete deficiency of insulin and because it usually manifests before the age of 25, type 1 is occasionally called insulin-dependent or juvenile-onset diabetes. To manage this disease patient needs insulin supplementation, typically administered by injection or via metered infusion pumps.
Type 2 or non-insulin-dependent diabetes usually manifests after the age of 40 and is due to a combination of relative deficiency of insulin (insufficient quantities are made in the body) and insulin resistance (meaning that the body is incapable to efficiently use the reduced amount of insulin it does produce).
Type 2 sometimes requires supplementary insulin, but more commonly, it can be managed through Diet and Exercise, often in combination with oral hypoglycemic medications.

Major Causes

In Type 1 the cells in the pancreas that make insulin are destroyed, causing a severe lack of insulin. This is thought to be the result of the body attacking and destroying its own cells in the pancreas - known as an autoimmune reaction.

Causes of Type 1

It's not clear why this occurs , but a number of explanation and possible causes of this reaction have been proposed. These include:
• Infection with a specific virus or bacteria;
• Exposure to food-borne chemical toxins; and
• Exposure as a very young infant to cow's milk, where an as yet unidentified component of this triggers the autoimmune reaction in the body.
However, these are only hypotheses and are by no means confirmed causes.

Causes of Type 2 

• The receptors on cells in the body that normally respond to the action of insulin fail to be stimulated by it - this is known as Insulin Resistance. In response to this more insulin may be produced, and this over-production exhausts the insulin-manufacturing cells in the pancreas;
• There is simply insufficient insulin available; and
• The insulin that is available may be abnormal and therefor doesn't work properly.
The following risk factors increase the chances of someone developing Type 2 :
• Increasing age;
• Obesity; and
• Physical inactivity.

Rarer causes of this diseases include:
• Certain medicines;
• Pregnancy (gestational diabetes); and
• Any illness or disease that damages the pancreas and affects its ability to produce insulin.

Important Symptoms

It often goes undiagnosed because many of its symptoms seem so harmless. Current studies specify that the early detection of symptoms and treatment can reduce the chance of developing further complication.

Symptoms of Type 1

• Unusual thirst
• Frequent urination
• Unusual weight loss
• Extreme hunger
• Extreme fatigue & Irritability

Symptoms of Type 2

• Any of the type 1 symptoms
• Blurred vision
• Frequent infections
• Cuts/bruises that are slow to heal
• Recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections
• Tingling/numbness in the hands/feet

Often people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms
If you have one or more of these symptoms, see your doctor right away. To find out if you are at risk for this you can take the

Online Risk Test here

Risk Factors for Patients

This is associated with a number of serious complications that increase the risk of Death for the patient, including Heart Disease and Stroke, Obesity, Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Kidney Failure, Neurological Diseases, Traumatic Amputations, and Metabolic Imbalances. 

Additionally, it is associated with a number of co-morbid conditions that adversely affect quality of life,such as Blindness and other Vision Problems, Mouth & Gum Diseases,Impaired Circulation, Loss of Mobility and Osteoporosis.

How Can Aloe Vera Help ?

This is a complicated disease that involves lifestyle & diet modification, but adding Aloe vera to one's diet can definitely help. Numerous studies conducted in recent years have proven that Aloe Vera has Anti-Diabetic properties.
A Japanese study (published on April 11, 2006 in Pharmaceutical Society of Japan) evaluated the effect of Aloe Vera gel on blood sugar.
The study revealed the anti-hyperglycemic effect of Aloe Vera gel & isolated a number of compounds from the gel. On the basis of spectroscopic data, these compounds were identified as lophenol, 24-methyl-lophenol, 24-ethyl-lophenol,cycloartanol, and 24- methylene-cycloartanol. These 5 phytosterols were evaluated for their anti-hyperglycemic effects in Type 2 Diabetic. scientific studies suggest
Aloe vera has potential in treating this autoimmune diffidence because it can not only lower blood sugar, but also triglyceride levels which are often high in Diabetic patients.
***Note*** If you want to buy pure Aloe Vera Gel you can mail

Some False Myths

It's important to also be aware of the different myths that over the years have arisen about the causes of this health problem.

Eating sweets or the wrong kind of food DOES NOT cause it. However, it may cause obesity and this is associated with people developing Type 2.

Stress does not cause it, although it may be a trigger for the body turning on itself as in the case of Type 1. It does however, make the symptoms worse for those who already have this health issue.
It is not contagious. Someone who is Diabetic cannot pass it on to anyone else.

If you are interested to treat it Naturally here is a very informative site for you: Check Natural Cure For Diabetes By Bioenergetics!

***Please Read***
If you are Diabetic and considering to take Aloe, it's highly suggested to consult your Physician first. Some Diabetic reported minor reactions (such as discomfort after eating foods, itching etc) while taking Aloe Vera.