Gastritis / Colitis / Ulcer

Gastritis / Colitis / Ulcer

It is hypothesized that chronic gastritis and ulcerative colitis both are induced by viral infection, and that such chronic infection of the mucosa may lead to ulceration and occasionally cancer.

FLP's great natural food supplements for people with Gas or ulcer problem...
  • Garlic Thyme - 3 soft gels daily
  • Aloe Vera Gel - 6 oz daily
  • nature Min - 6 tablets daily
  • Fields of Greens - 3 tablets daily
  • Lycium Plus - 3 capsules daily
1. Garlic Thyme - each soft gel contains odorless oil of garlic equivalent to 1000mg of fresh garlic cloves. Garlic is an anti=bacterial and anti-fungal and helps in improving conditions like bronchitis, soothes the digestive system, and is a powerful antioxidant which helps combat cancer; by including A Beta Care, Arctic Sea, nature Min and Garlic Thyme in our daily diets, it will increase the body's defenses against potentially life-threatening chemicals ever present in our day-to-day diets and activities; may help people with heart problems, liver problem, yeast infections and sinusitis; natural decongestant and fights bacteria.

2. Fields of Greens - an excellent substitute for green vegetables for those of you who do not eat enough of them. Contains young barley-known to contain a rich mineral cocktail; honey-used to promote energy and healing; wheat grass- a great source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, and alfalfa-an excellent source of vitamins and known to lower cholesterol. Helps maintain healthy circulation; helps to control blood
3.Lycium Plus - contains lycium fruit extract - rich in amino acids which are the building blocks of protein and vitamins; licorice bioflavonoid extract - made up of over 150 compounds, bioflavonoids- a very powerful vitamin C and E nutrient. help people with fever, inflammation, wounds, ulcers, sore throats and coughs; strengthens capillaries; improves circulation and reduces risk of thrombosis (blood clots); improves absorption of vitamin C and enhances vitamin C's anti-oxidant and anti-viral effects; improves vision; reduces back pain and joint pain, may help people with diabetes and arthritis.

4.Nature Min - [RDA Calcium - 800mg] - an advanced multi-mineral formula sourced from the sea bed. Contains nutrients such as chromium and selenium for maximum absorption in the body. Provides mineral and trace mineral supplements to prevent mineral deficiencies; the minerals contained within nature-min work with many enzymes and other proteins which are necessary for the release and utilization of energy; helps to strengthen bones and teeth; excellent source of trace minerals needed by the body, antidote for myalgic encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). osteoporosis, Candida Muscle Cramps.

5.Aloe Vera Gel- a natural health drink which help cleanse the digestive system; improve circulation; metabolic disorders, and energy levels; reduce the effects of allergies and promote internal balance. Contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids, enzymes. It helps people with skin disorders, arthritis, asthma, bowel dysfunction, cramps, colon cleansing, candida, diabetes, digestive disorder, herpes, headaches, heartburn, hypertension, hemorrhoids, insomnia, indigestion, overweight, rashes, shingles, stomach disorders, tiredness, tension, throat infection, ulcers and viruses.