Winter wellness with Forever Pomesteen Power

The more we learn about fruit, the more benefits we find. It is not surprising, then, that fruit has become a modern heath resource. Take the research being done and teh resulds coming in on the exotic pomegranate and mangosteen fruits. In study after study, they have been shown to demonstrate superior abilities in mopping up free radicals with their rich antioxidant powers. These results have caught the attention of Western researchers.

To those in South Eastern Asia, however, where these fruits date back to the Gardens of Babylon, they were cultivated and symbolized as a delicacy with health-giving properties. As our health trends move incresingly towards a preventative approach, our focus turns toward the bounty provided by nature and teh wisdom of the ancients. Scientists and nutritionists all agree about the power of antioxidants, and that they are at the foundation of good health.

Italian and American scientist report that pomegranate juice helped to support circulatory function. The findings appear in a recent issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The science behind the mangosteen fruit has been, until recently, predominantly available only to those in the medical community. Mangosteens are so high in Xanthones, plant-derived nutrients considered to be "super" antioxidant, that it is no wonder that the mangosteen has been dubbed the "Queen of Fruits."

Forever Living, being the "forever" leader, has forged ahead and created a nutritional drink called Forever Pomesteen Power. This deliciously sweet drink, made with the power of pomegranate and the natural sweetness of the mangosteen fruit, is the perfect nutritional drink. Simply sip one ounce daily, or mix it with Aloe Vera Gel for that extra punch. No wonder it's called Forever Pomesteen Power - it is also includes, in tis proprietary blend, fruit juices and extracths of pear, raspberry, blackberry, blueberry and grape seed!

This powerful combination of fruits supplies you with lots of polyphenol antioxidants, like those found in red wine, green tea, and orange juice. It's the drink your circulatory and immune systems have been waiting for, because packed within this powerhaouse are the ingredients scientists and leading health experst have shown to produce "super antioxidant" results - plus, it's deliciously sweet! Forever Pomesteen Power!

Don't wait any longer to experience the incredible power of antioxidants from pomegranate, mangosteen, and other exotic fruits in Forever Pomesteen Power. Get your hands on a bottle or two today, so you can share with your loved ones your 'secret' to maintaining your health and wellness!

The statement contained herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat, cure or prevent a specific disease or class of diseases. You should consult your family physician if you are experiencing a medical problem.
Pomesteen Power
$17.95 (with discount $15.26)