Get rid of your wart and corn fast naturally with Aloe Proplis Creme

Based on my personal experience:
A few weeks ago I noticed that there is something on my 3 years old son's finger. After searching on the internet I found out he had a wart, its size was like a black pepper. It was probably there for weeks or even months but I probably did not pay attention. I start searching for a fast treatment for warts in the pharmacy and found a couple of products. I got 2 options:
1. A liquid wart remover with salycil acid. I have to apply it at night when he was sleeping, otherwise he would peal it off during the day. The salycil acid would destroy the skin around the wart which would fell off after a while, weeks or months. You supposed to get rid of the wart in about 14 days. Using the liquid with salycil acid could be painful especially for kids, they have such a sensitive skin.
2. is a product which will freeze the wart away. Actually it will freeze the skin around it so the wart and the skin would fall off. It could be dangerous for kids and painful. My son would not tolerate anything like that. I know it is a 1 time treatment, but I don't think 1 treatment would be enough.
After considering the effect of these products I have decided to try something different, which I knew it was good for other skin problems as well but never tried for warts. This products would not kill your skin, it won't freeze your skin. This will only kill your wart and at the same time it will moisturize it too. It has propolis in it which is an antibiotic agent produced by bees and also contains aloe. Proplis would kill viruses and aloe would help to heal faster.
I did some more research on the internet about wart so this is what I found:
A wart (also known as a verruca when occurring on the sole of the foot or on toes or fingers) is generally a small, rough tumor, typically on hands and feet but often other locations, that can resemble a cauliflower or a solid blister. Warts are common, and are caused by a viral infection, specifically by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and are contagious by contact with the skin of an infected person. It is also possible to get warts from using handtowels or other objects used by an infected person. They typically disappear after a few months but can last for years and can recur.
After reading the description of wart I got an idea what to try next. I've been using Forever Living products for a while, it always helped me. The day I decided to try aloe products I took a picture of his finger, he had 1 large wart and I noticed 3 small warts already appearing. We started washing hands with Aloe Liquide soap more frequently and applying Aloe Propolis creme afterwards. After 3 days I did notice some changes. Today almost 1 month later I can tell you it is GONE COMPLETELY! IT IS HISTORY ONLY! See pictures below. He was happy to put Aloe Propolis creme on his hand by himself.

Click picture to enlarge it!
Aloe Liquid soap and Aloe Propolis cream is not sold in stores.
You can buy it only online. Please enter retail store to purchase it today.
You don't belive my story? Ask for a free propolis creme sample! Send me a self addressed small envelope with a first class stamp on it and I will send it to you to try. Please mention that you need the propolis creme sample! A sample will not be enough to get rid of your wart completely, but I'm sure you will see some results.