Forever Aloe Blossom Tea Cookies


2/3 Cup flour
11 Tbsp butter, softened
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1 pinch salt
1 ½ teabag Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea
Forever Bee Honey
Slivered almonds or other nuts


Slowly grill almonds (or other nuts) in an ungreased pan.
Mix the butter, sugar and salt, until it reaches a dough-like consistency.
Add the flour and contents of Aloe Blossom Herbal Teabag and mix vigorously into the butter mixture.
Roll out the dough to about ¼ inch thick.
Use cookie cutters or cut the dough into squares.
Add a drop of Forever Bee Honey to the middle of each cookie and sprinkle a few grilled almonds (or other nuts) in the middle.
Bake at 300˚F for about 15 minutes.