Fight free radicals with Forever Lycium Plus and Licorice flavonoid

Forever Living Products bring one of the world's most respected medicinal herb to your doorstep in Forever Lycium Plus. Lycium fruit, a red berry obtained from a plant found in Asia, is cultivated as a main ingredient in traditional Chinese herbal formulas. Lycium fruit has been used for centuries to enhance the complexion and help maintain energy as well as promote healthy vision. Since the early 21st century in the United States and other developed countries, there has been rapidly growing recognition of lycium fruit for its nutrient density and antioxidant capabilities.

Forever Lycium Plus is a nutritious dietary supplement high in concentrations of antioxidants, bioflavonoids and beneficial phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are the active substances in plants that are responsible for giving them color, flavor and healthful properties. Phytonutrients and antioxidants work by fighting the free radicals that can form inside our bodies from the toxins and pollutants that are part of your everyday life. Bioflavonoids are also a major component of an herb's beneficial effects. Bioflavonoids have the job of protecting the antioxidants in vitamins from oxidative damage. Because of its bioflavonoid content, the lycium fruit is so high in these nutrients that it has been dubbed a "super food" in nutritional circles.

Lycium fruit contains vitamin C, beta-carotene and iron. Beta-Carotenoids are known for their ability to support the cardiovascular system and protect the skin from sun damage. The lycium fruit also contains B vitamins and polysaccharides, both of which support the immune system.

And as if all this isn't enough, Forever Lycium Plus contains Licorice flavonoids that have been found to have a similar effect of fighting free radicals and, in turn, suporting immune function. Licorice has been shown to boost levels of interferon, a key immune system component. Resarchers from whole health and also report that Licorice has hundreds of beneficial properties of its own. Licorice is often added to herbal blends with its main function being to bring out the best beneficial effects of other herbs. What a combo!

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has recognized for years that diets high in fruit and berries appear to support the body's health in a number of ways. Lycium fruit and Licorice both rate high in antioxidant capacity. Together, these two herbs create one powerful tonic... giving real meaning to the 'plus' in Forever Lycium Plus!
Buy Forever Lycium Plus
$24.25 (with discount $20.61)

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