Clean 9 Nutritional Cleansing Program in Nine Days

Each year the average Indian consumes 180 pounds of sugar and 866 cans of soft drinks. To compound matters, many prepackaged foods are loaded with dangerous additives and chemicals that are laced with toxins. Not to mention all the pollutants from the air that we take in daily. Where do you think all those toxins get stored? If you guessed inside your body, you’re on your way to discovering how YOU can dramatically improve your health and wellness.

Taking a nine-day cleanse is your commitment toward gaining control of that healthy lifestyle you've always found to be so elusive.

Much as we cleanse our bodies on the outside, brush your teeth daily nutritionists and health experts contend we also need to cleanse our bodies on the inside to remove any toxins and residues that may be harming our health.

Clean 9 is a nine-day program that is designed to cleanse your body of harmful preservatives and chemicals, while starting the process of burning off excess fat. It’s very hard for your body to optimize the absorption of essential nutrients from your foods and dietary supplements, if your digestive and intestinal tract is full of energy-draining toxins that have been built up from years and years of chemical additives and pollutants found in food and in the air we breathe.

The Clean 9 Nutritional Cleansing Program is going to leave you feeling so vibrant and vital that you will want to maintain these results for the rest of your life!
Package Contains: 3 bottles Aloe Vera Gel, 1 Ultra Lite Vanilla or Chocolate Shake Powder, 1 Garcnia Plus, 1 Bee Pollen, 1 Bottle Shaker, 1 Tape Measure and Instructional Booklet.

Aloe Vera Gel
The human body requires 22 amino acids for good health; eight of them are “essential” because the body cannot fabricate them. Aloe Vera Gel contains all 8 essential amino acids and has the distinct ability to gently break down, loosen and assist in the natural dispersal of residues that are built up in the digestive tract. In addition to Aloe Vera Gel’s distinct detoxifying abilities, bowel regularity and increased protein absorption may occur along with a simultaneous decrease of unfriendly bacteria.

Ultra Lite Vanilla and Ultra Lite Chocolate Shake Powder
Ultra Lite nutritional drinks in Vanilla and Chocolate are key components in a successful cleansing and weight loss program. Much of the leading health and dietary research has supported that a high-protein and low-carb diet can build and create a lean and healthy body. Ultra Lite Shake Powder has 55% more protein and less than half the carbohydrates of regular Lite Powder. And Ultra Lite incorporates the latest weight loss research into its formula without compromising its delicious taste. Ultra Lite Vanilla and Ultra Lite Chocolate Shake Powders are products from start to finish that you can count on to supply you with the nutrition your body needs – minus the chemicals and additives it doesn’t!

Bee Pollen
Bee Pollen is one of the most complete foods available. Bee pollen contains all the vitamins of the B-complex and Vitamin C. The Center for Women’s Health Care reminds us that no matter how healthy we think our diets are, they still may be low in the essential vitamins and minerals our body needs daily. Our Bee Pollen contains Beta Carotene, plus numerous minerals, enzymes and coenzymes along with carbohydrates, proteins and 22 amino acids. Not only is our Bee Pollen nutritionally packed, it also aids in metabolizing fats and in maintaining a healthy circulatory, digestive, immune, and nervous system. Stock up on this supplement – you’ll want it on hand even when your Clean 9 Program is successfully completed!

Garcinia Plus

Garcinia Cambogia is a fruit that has been used for culinary and herbal purposes for centuries. Our Garcinia Plus meets the standards for your Clean 9 Program because it contains a number of ingredients that may aid in weight loss, the primary ingredient being Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). The rind of this fruit is what is used to produce HCA. HCA has been demonstrated in the laboratory to reduce the conversion of carbohydrates into stored fat by inhibiting certain enzyme processes. As a result, the body may burn existing fat stores, thus potentially aiding in an already low-fat weight management program. Garcinia Plus also has been shown to be a natural appetite suppressant, which makes it a useful tool in weight management.

Forever Clean 9 nutritional cleansing program is not sold in Mall Centre, Chemist shops or stores. You can buy it from my Identity Card to purchase yours today. Would you like to receive 8% discount? Register now and save money today. Only Rs.25/-registration form cost.. For more information please call Anu Kamboj 94634-31796