Buy Forever Garlic Thyme and get healthy without the bad breath

Garlic was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, chewed by Greek Olympic athletes and thought to be essential for keeping wampires at bay! Besides these acclaims (mythical or otherwise), garlic has a centuries-old reputation for its health-promoting qualities. Today, it ranks as one of the most popular herbal health remedies in the world.

Much has been written about the health-promoting properties of garlic. In writings from early civilizations all around the Mediterranaean, we learn that garlic was not only used as food, but also for health purposes and a preservative. The first garlic "prescription" was inscribed in cuneiform on a Sumerian clay tablet. Clay models of garlic heads were crafted in Egypt more than 5,000 years ago, and garlic heads were placed in tombs, including Tutan-khamen's. An Egyptian papyrus dating from 1,500BC listed 22 healthy uses for garlic.

The wisdom of the ancients was confirmed in modern times when the microbiologist, Louis Pasteur, put a few cloves of garlic into a Petri dish full of bacteria. When he looked at it a few days later, he found a clear zone of dead bacteria around each clove. Both before and after that discovery, garlic preparations have been used on wounds and to promote various important metabolis functions.

When garlic is cut or srushed, enzymes react to produce two powerful agents, allicin and diallyl sulphides, which can help promote healthy blood circulation and cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that garlic's other ingredients help the metabolism convert fats to energy and protect the body against free radicals. One study in Circulation, the prestigious journal sponsored by the American Heart Association, suggest that garlic hay help maintain the elasticity of aging blood vessels.

Garlic's suphur compound have been shown to have beneficial properties. Garlic also contains germanium (a mineral trace element believed to help boost the body's immune system), and selenium (a trace mineral antioxidant).

Thyme has a long history of use for promotiny respiratory health. Only recently, however, have researchers pinpointed some of the components in thyme that bring about its beneficial effects. The volatile oil components of thyme are now known to include carvacolo, borneol, geraniol but, most importatly, thymol. Thymol - named after the hert itself - has been found to protect and significantly increase the percentage of healthy fats found in cell membranes and other cell structures. In particular, the amount of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid) in the brain, kidney, and heart cell membranes seems to increase after dietary supplementation with thyme.

Thyme also contains a variety of flavonoids, including apigenin, naringenin, luteolin, and thymonin. combined with its status as a very good source of manganese, these flavonoids increase thyme's antioxidant capacity and give thyme a high standing on the list of antioxidant food.

Forever Garlic-Thyme combines these two powerful and effective herbs into an odorless softgel capsule, making it the perfect delivery system for spplementing the diet and providing maximum health benefits.
Consider addign Forever Garlic-Thyme to your dietary supplementation program, and enjoy the tremendous benefits. Your body will thank you!
Forever Garlic Thyme
$14.25 (with discount $12.11)
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